Our Mission

Founded in 2018 in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, Mano Amiga’s mission is to empower women, financially and personally, to pull themselves out of poverty through microlending. We provide financial training, mentoring, and microloans to women in the San Miguel de Allende area who lack access to affordable credit, giving them the means to build successful small businesses.

We select applicants with the drive to succeed, thereby improving their families’ prospects and strengthening their communities.​​

When a woman receives a Mano Amiga loan, she enters a sisterhood of small businesswomen, and the powerful message she hears is “we believe in you.”

Mano Amiga provides business training and mentoring to set women up for success.


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How it works

Mano Amiga's microloans typically range from $5,000-15,000 pesos. When each microentrepreneur pays back her loan, we grant a new loan with those funds to another deserving woman. ​

Our Board

We are a group of dedicated women from a variety of backgrounds with a mission to help other women help themselves.